If you want to get a device on your CV that will fit HR-droids filters, there are better chips. Whether or not xCORE devices are worth learning and trying depends on your objectives. xcore.ai is a new extension of xCore-200 being released soon: The xCORE-200 explorer kit is the only "general purpose" XMOS kit at the moment, but I believe their new xcore.ai kit will be out very soon. xCore-200 XL-Series (L = Low power - General) xCore-200 XU-Series (U = USB - adds USB PHY) xCore-200 XE-Series (E = Ethernet - adds Gigabit Ethernet and USB interface) I think it would be worth upgrading, the new kit would be adding at the very least more cores, internal flash, USB and Ethenet. The original xCore parts were as follows: XS1 G-Series (G = General - EOL'd in 2017) XS1 L-Series (L = Low power - compared to G-series) XS1 A-Series (A = Analog - adds DC-DCs + ADC) XS1 U-Series (U = USB - adds USB PHY) XS1 XA-series (XA = Xcore + Arm - EOL'd in 2016) The xCORE-200 Explorer Kit which comes with XE216-512-TQ128 on the board. The XS1-G4 is a really old XMOS chip and looks like this is Engineering Samples RevA.